For companies with over 200 employees, our corporate health insurance helps cover the cost of private healthcare if your people need to access it. Give your employees the benefit of quick access to treatment when they need it.

Affordable and accessible cover
Affordable and accessible cover
Faster access to private surgery and medical treatment
Faster access to private surgery and medical treatment
Immediate cover (no medical required, except Maternity/Paternity/Adoption benefit) so employees can be treated quicker and return to work sooner
Immediate cover (no medical required, except Maternity/Paternity/Adoption benefit) so employees can be treated quicker and return to work sooner
Get a quote

*excludes heart conditions and cancer treatment

Productive employee

What is corporate health insurance?

Our corporate health insurance (Surgery Choices) is perfect for businesses with 200 or more people. If an employee falls ill, it can cover the cost of private healthcare such as diagnosis and treatment. By offering your people the best health and wellness support, they can seek treatment at a time that suits them and return to work sooner.

The benefits of corporate health insurance

When you prioritise your people’s health and wellbeing, your business will benefit too.

Attract the best talent

Attract the best talent

Stand out against the competition in the job market to the most talented employees with an attractive benefits package

Increase retention rate

Increase retention rate

With 1 in 5 workers considering changing jobs in the next year, making them feel supported and valued can encourage them to stay in a role for longer.

A healthier workforce

A healthier workforce

Private health insurance can help your employees take better care of their physical and mental health without facing delays

Faster treatment means less time off work

Faster treatment means less time off work

Immediate cover for new conditions (except Maternity/Paternity/Adoption benefit) and fast treatment without facing lengthy NHS waiting lists allows employees to get back to work sooner

What does corporate health insurance include?

Corporate health insurance is similar to private healthcare. We provide two types of coverage including private health insurance, health cash plans and a combination of the two.

Benefits Health cash plansHCP Surgery ChoicesPHI Combined solutionHCP
Routine dental
Routine optical
Therapy treatments
MRI, CT and PET scanning
24hr advice and information line
24hr telephone GP access
Children's cover on key benefits
Non-urgent surgery
Surgeon / physician fees
Anaesthetist fees
Patient accommodation and meals
Drugs and dressings
Inpatient tests, as part of a surgical procedure
Surgical complications within 30 days
Cancer / Heart treatment
Psychiatric inpatient

Our corporate health insurance (Surgery Choices) provides employees with immediate cover for new conditions and fast access to fixed price private treatment packages, should they need surgery. So employees benefit from quick treatment and you benefit from fewer absence days.

Depending on which of our private health insurance solutions you choose, the plan will cover over 60 specific surgical procedure for conditions such as:

  • Slipped discs
  • Varicose veins
  • Hip replacement
  • Knee replacement
  • Abdominal hernias
  • Sinus problems
  • Cataracts
  • Tonsils
  • Prostate problems
  • Gynaecological problems
  • Gallstones
  • Carpal Tunnel release

How corporate health insurance works with the NHS

We believe in giving employees as much choice as possible, so if they prefer NHS treatment, or are assessed as being unsuitable for a private treatment package, we will pay an NHS benefit.

Take care of your team with corporate health insurance