You can claim when:

  • You are admitted as an in-patient to an NHS or private hospital/treatment centre or hospice and
  • You submit your claim in accordance with our Terms and Conditions

Or on a day when:

  • You are admitted to an NHS or private hospital/treatment centre as a day case patient and
  • You are required to sign a consent form and are allocated a bed – the use of which is normally for a period of supervised recovery and
  • You submit your claim in accordance with our Terms and Conditions

We will cover:

  • You at the day/night rate for your plan level


  • A surgical procedure involving the use of theatre facilities when you’re admitted as a day patient, you sign a consent form and you have a local, regional or general anaesthetic. The surgical procedure is one that aims to treat disease, injury or abnormality by operating directly on or removing the affected body part, or removing a foreign body
  • Overnight in-patient admissions for treatment, tests or investigations
  • Maternity related in-patient admissions, from the 11th night that you have been an in-patient. You must give us evidence of the first 10 nights that you have spent in the hospital/treatment centre (these nights do not have to be consecutive)
  • A dependent child required to remain in the hospital/treatment centre following its birth, from the date that the mother is discharged
  • Claims submitted when the patient is discharged as an in-patient

We will not cover:

  • Out-patient attendances, including procedures carried out in an out-patient setting
  • Tests or investigations e.g. biopsies and endoscopies carried out for investigative purposes as a day patient
  • Treatment and/or pain relief administered by injection as a day patient
  • Cardioversion as a day patient
  • Admissions for rehabilitation, domestic reasons or respite care
  • Attendances at a GP or Dental surgery
  • Maternity related admissions for the first 10 nights
  • Any type of in-patient admission where the hospital/treatment centre could be regarded as your permanent residence
  • If you had a day surgery procedure and are admitted as an in-patient on the same day this counts as one event not two so only one day/night can be claimed
  • Exclusions (see section 6, General Terms and Conditions)