5 tips for boosting your wellbeing during coronavirus
5 tips for boosting your wellbeing when working from home during coronavirus
Working from home during coronavirus: Setting up your space
How to set up your workspace when working from home during the Coronavirus pandemic.
How to create a routine when working from home during coronavirus
Hints and tips on how to create a routine when working from home during coronavirus
Why is social distancing important to stop the spread of coronavirus?
Read more about why social distancing is so important to stop the spread of Covid-19
Understanding the UK lockdown: What are the new coronavirus restrictions?
As of Monday 23rd March, the UK government has introduced significant restrictions on movement in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus.
COVID-19: Establishing a workplace coronavirus response team
Guidance on how businesses can effectively respond to COVID-19 and minimise the risk of employees contracting the virus and spreading it in the workplace.
COVID-19: Understanding sick pay and self-isolation
Here we look at how to manage sick pay when it comes to those who are self-isolating or fall ill with coronavirus.
COVID-19: Staying in touch with your team during coronavirus
Communication is paramount in protecting your business, as everybody has an important role to play in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
COVID-19: Reliable UK sources for coronavirus advice
It’s important to only use trustworthy sources when seeking coronavirus advice. Here is a list of regularly updated, reliable sources of COVID-19 info.
COVID-19: Developing a business response plan
With government advice in relation to COVID-19 being updated on a daily basis, here’s how you can develop a response plan to keep employees up to date.
Blue Monday: Dispelling the myth
It’s easy to label ‘Blue Monday’ as the most ‘depressing’ day of the year, but we must all understand depression is a very serious issue and a term that shouldn’t be used lightly.
Why employees need a mental health day
A mental health day is when employees take sick leave to manage their mental wellbeing. Here we outline 5 ways to support employee self care in the workplace.
Managing mental health in the workplace
Find out how to manage mental health in the workplace and how to help your employees feel more comfortable about disclosing mental health issues at work.
The Exhaustion at Work Epidemic: Fatigued on the Job
Our research shows that exhaustion at work is a real issue – over 1 in 10 working Brits have taken a nap at work, and almost half regularly turn up to their job too tired to work.
Mental Health in the workplace – why it’s time to make a change
Mental health at work – it’s a subject we talk openly and honestly about at Westfield Health. Our recent survey of working UK adults found that 86% believe that companies are not doing enough to support them with work-related mental health issues.
Switching off from work whilst on holiday
It can be challenging to get everything done before you go on holiday, but it’s important to learn how to switch off while you are away.
How to be an approachable manager: Top 5 tips
We’ve put together our top 5 tips on how to be an approachable line manager so you can support your team’s mental health.
Christmas survival guide: Coping with stress
Underneath the glistening tinsel, carefully wrapped gifts and turkey basting, Christmas can be the root cause of a lot of stress for many people.
Christmas survival guide: How to eat well
What springs to mind when you think about Christmas? Presents? Sleigh bells? Tinsel? But what’s the thing we all look forward to the most? You guessed it – the food!